
PACTO Partner at HTMS, in Indonesia

Pacto DMC (Destination Management Company Indonesia) is a leading company in the travel organization sector in Indonesia for business and private clients. Pacto has been exclusively represented on the Italian market by HTMS Italia since 2017. Contact the Milan travel agency to discover all the advantages reserved for MICE tourism and Leisure in Indonesia with Pacto DMC, one of the most renowned tour operators in Asia . The journeys in Indonesia proposed by Pacto operate on the MICE and Leisure segments, for which they offer group and individual travel packages, national and international air ticketing, hotel reservations at exclusive top quality hotels. If you want to organize corporate events, company incentives and team building for your company, if you are a travel agent specialized in the best MICE travel destinations, but also if you simply want to learn about another culture with a journey of relaxation, history , fun or romance, the DMC division of HTMS will offer you these wonderful new travels in Indonesia in collaboration with the Pacto partner.

The landscapes and flavors of Indonesia

L’Indonesia è un paese del sud est asiatico che vanta un inestimabile patrimonio storico, paesaggistico e culturale. La meta è una destinazione ideale per viaggi individuali, di gruppo e per eventi di team building aziendale. Lasciatevi rapire dalle soluzioni proposte da HTMS Italia in collaborazione con Pacto per viaggi in Indonesia alla scoperta di spiagge tropicali, moderne metropoli e paesaggi incontaminati. I viaggiatori più avventurosi potranno inoltrarsi nella giungla, effettuare escursioni nei pressi di imponenti vulcani e, a fine giornata, rilassarsi e concedersi il piacere offerto dalla deliziosa cucina indonesiana.
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